Installation Guide

Installing Optional ArMarkerDetectorDemo

These are the instructions how to utilize the ar-markerdetector filter of of the ARModule. Thus, after installation of ar-markerdeterctor is done, you can test the filter with this sample application.

It is assumed that the sample application will be installed to the same host where KMS is installed. Otherwise change the code of ar3d.


Execute the following commands if not already done:

sudo apt-get install xinit -y sudo apt-get install git -y sudo apt-get install maven2 -y sudo apt-get install libsoup2.4-dev -y sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk -y

For Ubuntu Server Users

Run X:


If you’re not authorized to run X, the following might help:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common

For Ubuntu Desktop Users

If you’re not authorized to access X, then:

xhost +

On some environments, for some reason, it has been reported that since KMSv6 screen can get partially or totally blank. But if you are utilizing Ubuntu Server installation this is not an issue.

Finally, instead of xinit, there is the following alternative:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy
Xorg -noreset +extension GLX +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -logfile ./0.log -config ./xorg.conf :0

If you have problems with port, just try another eg:

Xorg -noreset +extension GLX +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -logfile ./10.log -config ./xorg.conf :10


Copy some sample models from:

into the default folder that is:



On the server side

To install Java interface to arfilter, fetch artifact with artifactId arfilter from Maven Central Repository and install it:

Install the arfilter artifact, eg:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=arfilter-1.0.0.jar

You can also install JavaScript interface:

bower install fi-vtt-nubomedia-kurento-module-armarkerdetector

Fetch keystore:

wget -nd

Fetch artifact with artifactId arfilterdemo from Maven Central Repository:

Execute artifact:

java -jar arfilterdemo-1.0.1.jar

On the client side

Browse with WebRTC compliant browser (eg Chrome, Firefox) to the server where ar3d is launched https://IP_OF_AR3DHOST:8443/ Change the IP_OF_AR3DHOST and port (8443) if needed.

You should now see AR Demo so just follow the given instructions on that page.